1 min read

Notes 1 | 札记 1



1、重读了遍Philip J. Guo的THE PH.D. GRIND,比当时读第一遍是感受更深,作者当年觉得自己不适合学术圈,但现如今又回归,不知是怎么想的。书的结尾处,Guo回答了一个问题,为什么有些人不会成为教授但却花了六年多时间读个博士?

Why would anyone spend six or more years doing a Ph.D. when they aren’t going to become professors?

Everyone has different mo- tivations, but one possible answer is that a Ph.D. program provides a safe environment for certain types of people to push themselves far beyond their mental limits and then emerge stronger as a result.

2、试着用Markdown语言写短文章,确实是个很好用的写作工具。(进一步了解Markdown,OS X系统下推荐Mou这个软件。)

3、Coursera上开始了约翰霍普金斯大学开的Data Science(基于R语言)的系列课程,里面有段话很有意思:

  • The data is the second most important thing.
  • The most important thing is the question.
  • Often the data will limit or enable the questions.
  • But having data can’t save you if you don’t have a question.

其中Getting and Cleaning Data这门课上有一节是关于数据资源的(Data resources),提到的开放数据库资料如下:

